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I guess nobody went to see this film in 2006 and had anything to say about it.

Well, neither did I. I finally got to see it and I think it's a good film for the most part and proves Mel Gibson is a director you can bet your money on. Some might be turned off by the violence, but it's not as shocking once you get used to the setting the action it taking place in. After all you are basically in a rain forest somewhere in South America and that's where things can turn real ugly real fast.

In some of the battle scenes I was reminded of [I]The Last of the Mohicans (1992)[/I] for some reason. I suppose this has more to do with the way the film was shot than the actual content. As I haven't seen this film in a long time, my mind may be playing tricks on me. :D

As you may remember the entire film is subtitled as all its characters speak in their native tongue, but you don't need to understand what they are saying to get what is going on. There are funny moments at the beginning of the film that stand in stark contrast to the events that unfold later on.

Think of it as an Indian Jones or Tomb Raider movie without any Western cast members and you'll get a picture of what it is like, with of course, the obligatory happy ending.

Was it necessary to show human sacrifices and the multiple ways blunt and edge weapons can mutilate the human body to add to this film? No, I don't think so but those scenes are in the film and drag it down after a while.

Still, it's well worth a watch for those who don't mind going commando for over two hours. :D

Rating: 8.0/10


  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    I saw it in the movies and liked it a lot. Its epic in many ways, but its not a deep movie.
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    I have it, but for one reason or another I've never actually gotten around to watching it.

    Actually, now I think about it I cant actually recall what the last movie I sat an watched was. It might actually have been the Star Trek in IMAX I saw with Worf! Certainly the last dvd I watched was Dark Knight and that was a month or two ago
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