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Unscheduled Offworld Activation...

RickRick Sector 14 Studios
...our plot continuity and plausability have escaped through the Stargate!!!

OK...first 3 minutes...what kind of a RETARD COMMANDER wouldn't notice the fact that the "alternate" SG-1's uniforms were BLACK rather than GREEN they were supposed to be?


  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    It's all gone to hell. I just can't accept it anymore. the show is gone. It's lost. there's no hope. Maybe there was, but the talent just is not there, and this is the most obvious evidence of it. Hammond would NEVER have let this slip when he was there. The writers are just gone. GONE! *cries*
  • RickRick Sector 14 Studios
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sanfam [/i]
    [B]It's all gone to hell. I just can't accept it anymore. the show is gone. It's lost. there's no hope. Maybe there was, but the talent just is not there, and this is the most obvious evidence of it. Hammond would NEVER have let this slip when he was there. The writers are just gone. GONE! *cries* [/B][/QUOTE]

    I know.

    If I was in command, I would have said, "Shoot them."

    Then, I would have taken their uniforms and given them to our SG-1 team and said "pretty badass, huh? Looks way cooler than that lame-o O.D. crap you have now. Next mission, go to Atlantis, kill them all, put the writers in a duffel bag, and drag their asses back. What are you still doing here!?!??! DOUBLE-TIME!!!!"

    Or something like that.

  • RickRick Sector 14 Studios
    OK, new direction for the thread...

    "What if....?"

    What if....they added David Duchuvney to the cast as a ...

    (your turn...continue the thought) ;)
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Person who believes that the whole stargate program is a drug-induced halucination and hoax perpetrated by the government?
  • Vorlons in my HeadVorlons in my Head The Vorlons told me to.
    David Duchovny as Daniel Jackson? He's on a mission to prove the Goauld (still can't spell that) are really a secret government program gone wrong. They were engineered in a secret lab in antarctica.
  • Vorlons in my HeadVorlons in my Head The Vorlons told me to.
    I don't know what to think of Stargate anymore. SG-1 more than anything but Atlantis as well. I think for me part of the problem is the time schedule. I'm watching the reruns after BSG. After watching BSG, expectations are pretty high and Stargate just can't deliver. I really wish the writers could take a clue. Maybe they should change the air dates so BSG and Stargates are not on the same night. That would help a lot for me.
  • ArethusaArethusa Universal Cathode
    I don't think you understand. SG1 and Atlantis air next to BSG specifically so you will watch them. SciFi knows they're shitty shows.
  • Next week the Blonde from Sg-1 makes out with the Canadian guy from Atlantis.. wow
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick [/i]
    [B]Then, I would have taken their uniforms and given them to our SG-1 team and said "pretty badass, huh? Looks way cooler than that lame-o O.D. crap you have now.[/B][/QUOTE]

    Yes, yes, you're right. It would be a wasted effort though, since SG-1 has added brand new black uniforms identical to the ones the "bad" SG-1 was into their costume rotation since the beginning of season 9. Along with the addition of Mongo, and the fact that Teal'c has stopped carrying his damned staff in exchange for an earth gun, its one of the more striking visual differences in the team this season.

    [url=]See for yourself.[/url]

    In addition to the team wearing the black clothes for several episodes, [url=]they're also decked out in them during the Stargate walk-through that caps off the opening credits of every episode.[/url] (and, naturally, in the episode from which that shot was taken). Well, technically, the walk through [i]began[/i] the opening credits during the first ten episodes, but the important thing is that they were wearing the black clothes. In every credit sequence since July.

    Now, once you factor in the fact that those uniforms [i]aren't[/i] new to this universe, you don't have to be quite as "retarded" to not realize somethings amiss. I mean, I can't remember what I'm wearing right now without looking, much less what SG-1 was wearing yesterday when the embarked on another offworld mission, just like they do every day, so often that it all runs together in my mind. The green uniforms, the black uniforms, the desert camo, the jungle camo, the gawdawful birdshit urban camo that they (thankfully) don't have to wear, it's all become the same. Hell, the only way I would notice something amiss is if they came back wearing Hawaiian shirts. [url=]The producer feels much the same way. So, hey, at least you know no one overlooked your nitpick. It was just seen to be so piddling and pedantic that they didn't bother to address it.[/url]

    When you complain so bitterly about something that only requires the slightest of rationalizations (like, "They left during the night shift, so no one on duty when they got back saw which of their many outfits they wore."), it makes you look petty and vindictive. And, sadly, it's quite ironic, as well.

    I mean, why would anyone on duty notice SG-1 was wearing black uniforms thirteen minutes after they got back? You haven't noticed for thirteen episodes. :p
  • ArethusaArethusa Universal Cathode
    I think you're overlooking the greater irony. Stargate provides you nigh infinite wealth of shit to criticize, mock, and tear apart, and the best anyone can come up with is omgblackuniforms?
  • RickRick Sector 14 Studios
    Not my point.

    My point was:

    1. Yes, I do expect military personel vested with the responsibility of the safety of the planet to notice "Gee, SG-1 is wearing different uniforms from when they left. How Odd. Probably should check that out." Especially since gear loadout is a part of the mission profile military personnel run through in pre-mission briefings, and even moreso as they are trained to notice such things. Security is more lax in that room than at a zebra crossing in NYC.

    2. Whack-o Technobable is getting a bit too common now. I have a pet peeve for stories that rely on technology, rather than characters, as the center of the plot. Older SG1 eps got that down.

    3. I never noticed the black uniforms because I haven't watched SG1 regularly since RDA left. Pretty much always wore OD back then, so when I saw the black fatigues, I thought, "gee..those alternate universe guys sure have cooler threads than ours." Also, what credits? Until last week, all they did for the new episodes was flash "Stargate SG-1" and play a 6 second score clip. :P

    4. I won't comment on the not remembering what you're wearing thing :) Ever. :)

    5. Pitch Black is on USA....gotta go :)

    (Jack-- you may be right about that thing we talked about...)

  • RickRick Sector 14 Studios
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by David of Mac [/i]
    I mean, why would anyone on duty notice SG-1 was wearing black uniforms thirteen minutes after they got back? You haven't noticed for thirteen episodes. :p [/B][/QUOTE]

    Dave---look at the timestamp on my post: 4:04GMT, or 9:04PST Friday. I noticed it straight off, and posted from my laptop :P


    Let me be clear--my post is out of frustration with a great franchise going wrong--not out of contempt for the show. I've liked SG1 allot, but find what they are doing to it excruciating as of late. Kinda like watching Legend of the Rangers on a loop tape with toothpicks holding my eyes open and someone whispering "this is the future of B5" over andf over in my ears.

    I'm very disappointed that the SG1 game isn't being made, as I thought that the concept of "gates" could make for a great online tool.

  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick [/i]
    [B]Let me be clear--my post is out of frustration with a great franchise going wrong--not out of contempt for the show. I've liked SG1 allot, but find what they are doing to it excruciating as of late. Kinda like watching Legend of the Rangers on a loop tape with toothpicks holding my eyes open and someone whispering "this is the future of B5" over andf over in my ears.[/B][/QUOTE]

    Yeah, but, good God. I mean, if you're going to do the whole, "Oh, lordy, the sky is falling! They ain't even [i]trying[/i] any more! It's the big one! I'm comin' to join you, Elizabeth!" routine because of (and this is vitally important) something you only thought was wrong because you weren't paying attention, it seems like you're looking for something to bash. Specifically and exclusively. I had my fill of that during the Enterprise years, ("Well, obviously, the show doesn't count because it doesn't/didn't have 'Star Trek' in the name.")

    Now, if any show on friday deserved to be mercilessly nitpicked, it was BSG. Why? Well, take your pick. (BSG 2x13, "Epiphanies") Spoiler: Gina's magic Clark Kent glasses that keep her from being noticed as a Cylon, Roslin's magical Star-Trek-style cancer cure, Adama's whole, "Hey, we should show through our morality that we are worth living, even if it means trusting someone who might betray us. Oh, wait, you want to kill the baby because it might, emphasize 'might,' be a threat because it has weird blood? Sure, no problem," thing, the comes-out-of-no-where dumbassed pro-Cylon movement, Roslin's soap-opera affair with Adar, and, as a capstone to a night of stupidity, Roslin calls Adama "admiral" instead of "commander." Do they even have anyone checking these shows, or do they just write in whatever damned thing pops into their head and not bother to check if the rank is right?

    Okay, the last one was a joke, but the other ones weren't.
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by David of Mac [/i]
    [B]...and, as a capstone to a night of stupidity, Roslin calls Adama "admiral" instead of "commander." Do they even have anyone checking these shows, or do they just write in whatever damned thing pops into their head and not bother to check if the rank is right?

    Okay, the last one was a joke, but the other ones weren't. [/B][/QUOTE]

    uh ... Spoiler: Adama [i]is[/i] the Admiral now... He was given the promotion by non other than Roslin herself at the end of the previous show where Cain was killed and they had her funeral. Remember the much despised kiss? :D

    That's what you ment by joke right?
  • RickRick Sector 14 Studios
    Spoiler: Adama was made Admiral last week (Ressurection ship, pt. 2)

    What affair? He just kissed her. OK, it seemed a bit out of place, but, hey, she was dying.

    Agree on the miracle cure thing. That was stupid. But I posted that in the BSG thread as well :)

    Noone in the general population knows what the cylons look like. Remember the "top secret" folder that had pictures of known/suspected agents that Baltar looked at on the President's desk?

    Now, this is just my opinion, but the way I see it BSG reflects the dynamic nature of morality during war. Take Iraq, for example. There are plenty of people out there who swing from "we shouldn't be there" to, when someone gets decapitated, "kill them all" (note: please don't make this an Iraq thread...this is just an example).

    Like I said before, though, the thing I'm finding that is starting to be too much about SG1 this season is that they are making the technology central to their plot, rather than a tool to deliver one.

    The show was far better when the gate and mythology was a means to tell a story, not the other way around.

    And it's just my opinion.


  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick [/i]
    [B](Jack-- you may be right about that thing we talked about...)[/B][/QUOTE]

    huh? Dew..what?

    I forgot already what we were talking about! :D

    I'm getting old I guess...
  • RickRick Sector 14 Studios
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JackN [/i]
    [B]huh? Dew..what?

    I forgot already what we were talking about! :D

    I'm getting old I guess... [/B][/QUOTE]

    Me too...and grumpy as well, so it would seem..LOL ;)


    aka "The Grumpy Vorlon" (HA!!!)
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick [/i]
    [B]Me too...and grumpy as well, so it would seem..LOL ;)


    aka "The Grumpy Vorlon" (HA!!!) [/B][/QUOTE]


  • RickRick Sector 14 Studios
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JackN [/i]

    :D [/B][/QUOTE]



  • SpiritOneSpiritOne Magneto ABQ NM
    Well I am glad Im not the only one who feels this way. Character development and story have taken a back seat to poor storytelling and technobabble.

    When its not being FarGate, its GateTrek, and its frustrating. I dont like Cameron Mitchell for the same reason I dont like his counterpart on Atlantis, THEY ARENT JACK, STOP WRITING THEM LIKE THEY ARE!!! Quippy one liners and little jokes were Jacks thing, dont diminish his character by making his replacement a carbon copy.

    Then you got last nights episode of stupidity. They couldnt get any more of the teams to come with them on the ship??? I mean the hallways were full of them and the only team that came with them was the one with the alterior motive???

    The technobabble was rediculous. It went beyond Star Trek stupidity and hit a new level. My wife and I dont watch or like Atlantis, so we usually catch SG1 after BSG, but it was just bad.
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick [/i]
    [B](2x12, "Resurrection Ship, Part II") Spoiler: Adama was made Admiral last week (Ressurection ship, pt. 2)[/quote][/b]

    That was the gag. I was humorously calling back to the idea that the reason no one noticed the weird uniforms on SG-1 was because they were only weird to you. See, because...

    Never mind, I'm just going to stop trying to be funny.

    [quote][b] Spoiler: What affair? He just kissed her. OK, it seemed a bit out of place, but, hey, she was dying. Spoiler: [/b][/quote]

    Spoiler: He didn't know that. Besides, the podcast explicitly mentions that Adar and Roslin were having an affair. Adar mentioned something about how Roslin was uncomfortable with "what they were doing" right before he slipped her the tongue.

    Of course, Adar is dead now, so it really isn't an issue.

    [quote][b]Noone in the general population knows what the cylons look like. Spoiler: Remember the "top secret" folder that had pictures of known/suspected agents that Baltar looked at on the President's desk?[/b][/quote]

    Remember the episodes "Litmus," "Flesh and Bone," and "Final Cut"? Spoiler: Everyone knows what the cylons look like now. There are probably photos of all the known models in post offices across the fleet.

    Unless, of course, (1x06, "Litmus") Spoiler: they announced that cylons look like people, gave out pictures of Leoben and Doral, (2x09, "Final Cut") Spoiler: (and, later, Sharon) and then didn't bother to put out any A.P.B.'s for (1x07, "Six Degrees of Separation" et al.) Spoiler: Shelly Godfrey/Gina (2x05, "The Farm") Spoiler: and Simon the Cylon for absolutely no reason.

    [quote][i]Originally Posted by SpiritOne[/i]
    [b]Then you got last nights episode of stupidity. They couldnt get any more of the teams to come with them on the ship???[/quote][/b]

    There was a line to the effect that they had given the ship a skeleton crew because it was a suicide mission. I mean, even their new asgard buddy wussed out.

    [quote][b]I mean the hallways were full of them and the only team that came with them was the one with the alterior motive???[/b][/quote]

    Replace the words "with the ulterior motive" with "that figured out how to fix the black hole" and it might make more sense.

    EDIT: Sorry about the BSG spoilers. Since SG-1 and BSG air on the same night, I think of them as part of a unit. It didn't occur to me that anyone discussing the last episode of SG-1 would've have also had the opportunity to watch the corresponding episode of BSG if he wanted to.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Can we please keep spoilers and commentary for BSG in the thread for that series? Some of us don't care about SG-1 (and indeed, find commentary on its fall from grace halirious) but do care about BSG and haven't seen it yet.
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick [/i]
    [B]1. Yes, I do expect military personel vested with the responsibility of the safety of the planet to notice "Gee, SG-1 is wearing different uniforms from when they left. How Odd. Probably should check that out." Especially since gear loadout is a part of the mission profile military personnel run through in pre-mission briefings, and even moreso as they are trained to notice such things. Security is more lax in that room than at a zebra crossing in NYC.[/B][/QUOTE]

    Okay. What if they packed a change of clothes? Would that make this epitome of suckitude that is the shorthand identification of otherwise identical characters acceptable to you? They left in the black uniforms, had the green uniforms in their backpacks, and it was a coin toss as to which ones they would be wearing when they came home. I really hope that can fix it.

    I understand frustration (given how this topic has made me feel it ;)), but this is a really senseless bone of contention I'd like to see tied off, just so I can feel a little better about the world. I may not be able to change anyone's positions on politics, religion, or morality, but, by God, I can convince one man that there's nothing strange about SG-1 wearing their new threads. :D
  • RickRick Sector 14 Studios

    Good point. Aploogies. And fixed.

  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Anyway, the point is...SG-1 isn't as good as it was before and is likely to just get worse. Right? Right.
  • I think the [SPOILER]return of claudia black[/SPOILER] will bring the show around.

    And no, that's not a joke.
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    But only if she's not wearing the new clothes. ;)
  • WORFWORF The Burninator
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vertigo_1 [/i]
    [B]I think the [SPOILER]return of claudia black[/SPOILER] will bring the show around.[/B][/QUOTE]

    *kills himself to finally end the suffering*

  • Just out of interest guys, when *is* it when SG-1 goes to hell? (In terms of a particular season?)
  • RubberEagleRubberEagle What's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Morden279 [/i]
    [B]Just out of interest guys, when *is* it when SG-1 goes to hell? (In terms of a particular season?) [/B][/QUOTE]

    They actually allready went to hell, i think in season 3 or so, when they rescued Sam's Father from the god of the underworld ;)
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