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X-Men 3

Lord RefaLord Refa Creepy, but in a good way
Fucking yea baby shit motherfucker goddamn bloody hell. YEA.

I did quite like it.

Dont want to spoil anyone from here, but yea.. go see it.

Not a Wolverine movie this time.. oooh boy...


I loved it. Yes indeed. It had it's weak moments, it had some things that I wish had been changed.. it left quite a wee bit open.. and had to get too many mutants in for too little time..

But did it deliver the expectations set up by the first two?


Go Mystique!

All naked porno goodness... almost.. well, I've seen it. ;)


  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    So, how was the beast?
  • Lord RefaLord Refa Creepy, but in a good way
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Messiah [/i]
    [B]So, how was the beast? [/B][/QUOTE]

    Very, very much like he should be. I do wish he had gotten to be more witty during the combat, but man.. they did some good work with the sfx..

    And you didnt really recognise Frasier under all that makeup.

    I dunno.. They even changed Kelsey's voice somehow, he sounded different.

    But truly.. Ofcourse.. there were lots of mutants that were just badly used, or not used at all, but he was good.

    Still, Magneto ruled again.
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    im going to see it in the morning, cant wait:D
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lord Refa [/i]
    [B]Very, very much like he should be. I do wish he had gotten to be more witty during the combat, but man.. they did some good work with the sfx..

    And you didnt really recognise Frasier under all that makeup.

    I dunno.. They even changed Kelsey's voice somehow, he sounded different.

    But truly.. Ofcourse.. there were lots of mutants that were just badly used, or not used at all, but he was good.

    Still, Magneto ruled again. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Good, good. *Rubs hands together*
  • Lord RefaLord Refa Creepy, but in a good way
    And dont forget to wait until the very end of the credits. :)
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    doh, its a mate's 21st birthday tonight so i have to go out and get drunk. i'll have to see it tomorrow:D
  • The Cabl3 GuyThe Cabl3 Guy Elite Ranger
    will probably see it tommorow...Can't wait till Wolverine comes out next year. Wonder whose gonna play Wolverine. ;)
  • MTMT Ranger
    I just came back from it. I had such high hopes. No way it could suck. Did you see the trailers? Awesome! Now watch the movie. X-Men 3 is a horrible suckstravaganza.

    It had two openings. Angel was pointless, as were a lot of the mutant additions. They just threw a bunch of bodies on the screen called mutants and it didn't matter. It was all quantity without thought for quality and meaning, which is a good way to describe the entire movie. X-Men 3 rivals The Phantom Menace in the number of completely useless scenes or character additions.

    The first X-Men was about something. The second one was a really good action movie you could watch and enjoy. This last one is about Halle Berry and Hugh Jackman. I have never complained about Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry's presence in the previous movies. I didn't think it was that big a deal before. It is now. Probably one of the best, most ironic lines in the movie is when Storm says something like "We work as a team."

    By the way, Cyclops, number 2 in the X-Men chain of command, again doesn't matter. I bet he would've if he was played by Hugh Jackman or Halle Berry, though. But they'd probably just give him a lot of useless filler scenes, and then throw him into scenes where his presence adds absolutely nothing but more dialogue for him.

    They made Magneto an idiot. They made Juggurnaut and Shadowcat, and just about everyone else, spout really bad dialogue almost exclusively. And they covered it up with special effects. I like special effects. They're neat. But they aren't a cure for soul poison.

    The movie has a lot of killing -- too much killing. How can a movie have too much killing, you ask? Watch the damn movie. That's how. Oh, and yes, I waited till the end of the credits. I don't care.

    And I don't care for that new "Class 5" mutant crap. Where the hell did that come from? I wouldn't have been surprised if someone yelled "Storm just zapped someone with a rank 10 lightning bolt!"

    The Phoenix was there, too. Magneto wanted to use her as a weapon -- that's why all she ever did for him was stand around looking angry. She does more than that in the movie, but not as Magneto's weapon. No, he just uses some angsty kid no one cares about because no one is given any reason to care about him or anyone else.

    What's that, you don't know anything about the X-Men? Good luck learning anything from the movie! You know a lot about the X-Men? Good luck enjoying the movie!

    Oh, and here's a spoiler: The fight between Pyro and Iceman sucked.

    The beginning sucked. There were some cool scenes in the middle, but overall that sucked, too. And there was more cheese in the end than in the entire state of Wisconson. And it sucked.

    I give X-Men 3 two middle fingers up.
  • WHYWHY Elite Ranger
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MT [/i]
    [B]I just came back from it. I had such high hopes. No way it could suck. Did you see the trailers? Awesome! [/B][/QUOTE] Man, what rock were you living under? Everyone's been ready for it to be horrible since Jackman made that appearance on Leno.
  • The Cabl3 GuyThe Cabl3 Guy Elite Ranger
    I was hoping they'd follow closer to the story line. The whole Avalon episode would have been great. Maybe thats X-men 4 or 5 who knows...

    It had its moments though. its was good for what it was MUTANT VS MUTANT DESTRUCTION!

    MY question is what happened with that talk of a time warp in the trailer? Or was that just me?
  • Data CrystalData Crystal Pencil Artist
    Hey people, you change directors and you get a different movie. Piste. :)

    Think Mona Lisa. Swap Leonardo with Dali. That's exactly what you get in most cases.

    And no, I haven't seen the movie. Will probably rent it or buy the DVD on sale at some point,
  • MTMT Ranger
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WHY [/i]
    [B]Man, what rock were you living under? Everyone's been ready for it to be horrible since Jackman made that appearance on Leno. [/B][/QUOTE]

    I don't watch TV anymore. What happened on Leno?

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Cabl3 Guy [/i]
    [B]It had its moments though. its was good for what it was MUTANT VS MUTANT DESTRUCTION! [/B][/QUOTE]

    That's the impression I got from the movie as well. But according to the director, Brett Ratner, it was supposed to be about choice, which turned out to be nothing more than a lame subplot, and an excuse for mutant vs mutant destruction.
  • A2597A2597 Fanboy
    I don't expect a "deep" movie. I expected nothing more than an action movie.

    I had two complaints:

    1: 5pm rush hour to 9pm darkness in the blink of an eye...WTF?

    and 2:

    Spoiler: OK, all these mutants in stasis like boxes, and Mystique in a cell?!? Shes FAR more dangeres than a man that can duplicate himself! PUT HER IN THAT BOX YOU DUMB FREAKS. That said, she did get her moments in that cell....
  • WHYWHY Elite Ranger
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MT [/i]
    [B]I don't watch TV anymore. What happened on Leno?
    [/B][/QUOTE] They decided to use the danger room footage with the Sentinel.

    I never actually watch Leno myself, but after seeing it on the web, the general consensus was that it ruined the Fastball special for lots of people.
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