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Ready, ready... NOW!!!!!

[url=""]During the Thirdspace attack of 2261, one Thirdspace ship made it into normal space. In a quick move, four (than, rather quickly, three) White Stars began an attack run, while a Minbari Warcrusier came up to point-blank range and fired all of her weapons directly at the center of the energy field at the rear of the ship. The ship immediatly lost all power aside from an anomly where the field was, similar to a black hole. The ship was then sucked into this point, and a quick thinking White Star captian towed this anomaly into the Gateway and sent it back into Thirdspace, where it exploded, distroying a large part of the fleet assembled on the other side, buying Sheridan a few more moments to plant his suprise.[/url]

White Star: Kier Darby
Thirdspace Ship: Nadab Göksu
Minbari Warship: Mark Kane
Epsilon Nebula: Jeff Richards

If I had a dime for every original idea Bill Gates had, why, I'd have nothing!

[url=""]Do you know why animals have a natural fear of fire? Cause it HURTS!!!!![/url]

Windows error of the day:
[b]Keyboard error. Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to continue.[/b]

Sheridan: What, what are you talking about, what is wrong with her?
Franklin: She's pregnant. And you did it.

[This message has been edited by David of Mac (edited 06-14-2001).]


  • Cool Thirdspace alien!!!

    "Will you follow me into fire? Into storm? Into darkness? Into death?!"
  • don't thirdspacers have shielding? eh eh?

    Dar'Sol D'Ren
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    Well, as to the Crusier, the same princeaple that let Johnny Nuke'em in also let the Minbari get a clear shot, hence the distraction previded by the White Stars. And the delivery into the gateway was done with the White Star releasing the tiny sphere that comprised all of the ship a distance away, and letting inertia do the rest. As it was only about in inch in diameter, I think it could have sliped through.
  • the whole point of shielding is NOT letting things slip in, and how can 1 inch diameter sphere can hurt anything?
  • ...into the Gateway and sent it back into Thirdspace, where it [b]exploded[/b], distroying a large part of the fleet...
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    You see, the idea I had was, it became a 1 inch sphere because of the gravity involved the the weird energy ball thingy was overloaded. So, it was a small ball, and had a three mile long ship with Lord knows how much mass and energy, loaded up into what amounted to a temporary black hole. Since it didn't have the mass to back up the gravity that created it, it was going to pop like an overfilled ballon. Now, I'd imagaine a White Star would have sensitve enough instraments to tell that it was going to lose containment, and a quick thinking captian would think of a "Return to Sender" move. That's how it all came together when I figured out the story to go behind the pic.

    Maybe I should just go literature, and let the reader imagine the pic.
  • whitestar90whitestar90 Elite Ranger
    You have some imagination David [img][/img]
    Nice looking picture [img][/img]
  • Dune MasterDune Master Earthforce Officer
    That's a nice looking pic David!

    [b] "The heart has reasons that reason knows nothing of." [/b]
    - Blaise Pascal

    [This message has been edited by Dune Master (edited 06-16-2001).]
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    very cool!

    'The future is all around us' G'kar
    'I have no surviving enemies! None what so ever!' Galen

    Visit my B5 site at: [url=""][/url]
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