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Mr_Bungle · Ranger


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  • Mind you Argone, you're winning a scholarship - would you really fancying sitting in a class full of youngsters for the next few years? [img][/img]
  • The American spirit looks nothing like I'd imagined. Not my cup of tea, but it's nice to know people look for more than simple aesthetics in their art.
  • I think Pepper is occupied for the duration - his Ph.D, if not complete, is well underway... involving some form of advanced neural net programming and a placement at an experimental fusion reactor, at last count. Though don't quote me on anythin…
  • Or you could just put them up against the wall and shoot them... That seems to be a sentiment that's gaining increasing weight these days.
    in Laws Comment by Mr_Bungle January 2003
  • Heh, did that happen? I'm sure it's not as funny as it just sounded...
    in Laws Comment by Mr_Bungle January 2003
  • You forgot (or editted out) the qualification for that sentence, Simmonds - whom are you trying to demonstrate your superiority over? Argone, that's a complaint you'll hear from a great many liberal democracies - I must have heard the same compla…
    in Laws Comment by Mr_Bungle January 2003
  • UT2003, the Unreal Warfare engine, is pretty much the best thing on the market at the moment - disregarding the likes of the Doom III engine, which is still in development. If you've got a decent system - and we're certainly talking about a moder…
  • This is all good news - Beowulf is a remarkable piece in itself, and any subsequent appraisal from Tolkien would be very interesting indeed.
  • The article admitted that it was, very much, a publicity effort - that having such an incredibly powerful machine in such a ludicrous format would bring more attention to the brand than the launch of a conventional sports vehicle would ever do... …
  • Nissan Skyline... it's the only way to fly [img][/img] Am I the only one who read that bike article and wondered what it would be like to fall off the thing at it's top speed of 400mph? Probably [img]…
  • Still, it's an intriguing effect - and I'm sure there'd be a degree of marketability for limited applications, where the need for tight viewing angles and the projection equipment would not be so much of a bug bear.
  • Biggles, I don't think you should consider the original purpose of any political thread to be an 'argument', as you've here stated - the fact is, many of them open into debate. The only problem being that there are a great many here who seem unfa…
  • Likewise [img][/img]
  • [quote][b]Damn stupid. But it is their country. Let them **** it up.[/b][/quote] *sniff, sniff* Does anyone smell Turkish sovereignty here... ? Thought not [img][/img]
  • If you wish to remain ignorant of the debate then don't bother entering the thread; simply joining in to complain defeats the purpose of a forum debate, and isn't particularly endearing.
  • Go Faylorn!
  • I'm sure they're not representative of their entire cause - still, Bekenn, do you beleive in national self-determination?
  • I'm not so sure... Have a look here - [url=""][/url] I'm still hopeful someone will find a way to end this situation peacefully, but this is…
  • It doesn't surprise me - the situation there has been grim for years now, without many batting an eyelid; and has begun to get even worse in the last few months. I'm hoping it can be resolved peaceably - I don't know what policy they have on this…
  • I hate to say it, but there are a huge number of demographic statistics which would debate any attempt to claim that Christianity is in trouble in the US - which has been the only Christian nation to retain high levels of adherence to the faith, whe…
  • [quote][b]Sorry to nit pick this, your right of course, but the bad "science" that is used to get those high numbers is also used by some people for some other propagandist purposes which are definatly dark in their subtle intentions.[/b][/quote] …
  • You're judging them from your standards, Slade - you know, I bet the 'fundamentalist' Muslims find your society quite repulsive as well. Still, if we're on the anti-homosexual stint, you could look closer to home - your own state laws and a numbe…
  • Slade, you are aware that a great number of the deaths in the recent troubles in Nigeria were caused by Christian mobs in a religiously-inspired backlash to Muslim attempts to throw a spanner in the works of the Miss World event? The Christians s…
  • You might also run a search for the anti-homosexual and and abortion lobbies as well - just as a counter to the unrest regarding the Miss World contest. It's amazing what some people will get worked up at, all in the name of belief [img]http://2…
  • I know a great many Muslims - the place where I come from, Bradford, has a huge diversity of ethnic populations, and is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the UK (even allowing for the fact that half the ethnic groups aren't talking to one…
  • Well said Biggles - if you don't like a particular item, then don't go out of your way to expose yourself to it... I would suggest that political debates, and others from the social realm, but kept open within the context of the Zocalo - the fact…
  • It wasn't bad at first release; but then the title was thoroughly shafted in the old support stakes, and the community was pretty much stripped bar the more hardcore fans of the game. A shame, really... another example lest we forget that there a…
  • Ah, the Durex surveys - I've met some of the people who worked on this project; the better side being the questionnaire that went around the company mail asking how good people were in bed... ... sure, 149 times a year - but were you any [i]good…
  • Hmm... the UK came seventh - not bad, on a whole; I'd be more curious to see where we'd sit on the table if we looked at University and higher education ratings. Given that the education system in Britain, as a whole, is in flux it should be no s…