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in Zocalo v2.0
On the whole, pretty good, I'd say 78/100
[spoiler] lots of little jokes to watch out for, look for Barricades (the Mustang cruiser) motto on his flanks
few beefs :
too much Speilburgian schmaltz
too much stupid teenage/love interest BS
highlights :
2 Warthogs (a half dozen mavericks and a few decent bursts of Vulcan canon) and a Spectre gunship, (rapid fire radar guided, gyrostablised, 105mm Howitzer, 40mm Bofors and 25mm Vulcan), severely chewing up Scorponok the big ass scorpion Decepticon. They don't kill it, but after a peppering with 105's... it doesn't want to play any more. (One small niggle is that you get the impression that everything was on station about 2 clicks out... but then again this is a movie, there is a fair bit of time distortion.
Anywhere giant robots are beating the crap out of each other, which is happily, very often.
Ironhide and Blackout look to be opposite numbers in terms of role... weapons specialists... and lets just say they lay down more smack than the hand of god.
Bumblebee is a standout as far as characterization goes, the rest, including Optimus are very comic book/cartoon, ( though thats to be expected given the source material ). His tenacity is cool... having his legs blown off doesn't stop him fighting on, (he's strapped to a towtruck driven by an eyecandy human comrade).
Glad to see that they did actually off a good few number of the robo-cast. I half expected lots of glancing hits and no robo-deaths but... I'm glad to say, both sides, Autobot and Decepticon lose some of their number.[/spoiler]
[spoiler] lots of little jokes to watch out for, look for Barricades (the Mustang cruiser) motto on his flanks
few beefs :
too much Speilburgian schmaltz
too much stupid teenage/love interest BS
highlights :
2 Warthogs (a half dozen mavericks and a few decent bursts of Vulcan canon) and a Spectre gunship, (rapid fire radar guided, gyrostablised, 105mm Howitzer, 40mm Bofors and 25mm Vulcan), severely chewing up Scorponok the big ass scorpion Decepticon. They don't kill it, but after a peppering with 105's... it doesn't want to play any more. (One small niggle is that you get the impression that everything was on station about 2 clicks out... but then again this is a movie, there is a fair bit of time distortion.
Anywhere giant robots are beating the crap out of each other, which is happily, very often.
Ironhide and Blackout look to be opposite numbers in terms of role... weapons specialists... and lets just say they lay down more smack than the hand of god.
Bumblebee is a standout as far as characterization goes, the rest, including Optimus are very comic book/cartoon, ( though thats to be expected given the source material ). His tenacity is cool... having his legs blown off doesn't stop him fighting on, (he's strapped to a towtruck driven by an eyecandy human comrade).
Glad to see that they did actually off a good few number of the robo-cast. I half expected lots of glancing hits and no robo-deaths but... I'm glad to say, both sides, Autobot and Decepticon lose some of their number.[/spoiler]
if you have a cheap Tuesday deal like we do, even more of a 'yes'.
But considering that the original animated movie is my all time favorite - I might be slightly biased towards a live action movie. Something I've always wanted to see.
My desk at work. Guy I work with suggested Megatron hold an empty water bottle I had next to him, and it just kind of went form there.
I'm currently trying to get Optimus to hang from the nearby filing cabinet with his blaster pointed at megatron, who is about to throw something like a whiteboard eraser or something.
Funny, Im going to see it alone, but Im as giddy as if I was going on a date. Well, Ive been waiting for this for twenty years or so.. :D
Spoiler: As sb pointed out, there are a few spielburgian scenes that are almost too much, like 5 autobots hiding out in the Witwicky backyard..
But overall, great stuff. Great attention to detail..
I was miffed half the movie about Optimus having a mouth and nose, but then battle mode switched on, and I got goosebumps all over my body
Very pleased they picked the same voiceactor as in the old series/movie.
And also...
I was kinda disappointed that Starscream didn't have more of a role in the movie, but he still was kick ass.
And Jazz dying, that was just too quick and unstylish like he deserved to die of.
But the one thing that did kinda shock me, was Optimus calling Megatron Brother? That was odd or I just been too much in a barrel.
And their use of current slang really gave more to the characters.
Frenzy was interesting, but no Soundwave.
The movie is just exciting, the beginning kinda dragged, but the ending left you drooling for more, more, and well more!
The detail was upmost quality, the battle scenes were completly breathtaking.
Waited for this too long, and if she had gotten her ticket and visa earlier, she'd be here already...
She will play with my wii.
Saw it last night.. seriously thinking about seeing it again today. lol
First of all, I HATE Michael Bay, so I was expecting to be pissed off about 10 minutes into the movie. But he kept his usual headache inducing camera work to a fair minimum. Perhaps that had to do with Spielberg's influence? ;) Spoiler: As for the autobots hanging out in the back yard, while a little over the top, I thought it was hilarious (I really liked hearing Optimus Prime saying "my bad" :D). Oh, and the Fifth-generation Camaro? SWEET! :)
By the way, did anyone recognize the [URL=""]voice of Ratchett[/URL]? [URL="Gen. William Hague"]Robert Foxworth aka. General Hague[/URL].