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Argone - world class pathological liar

in Zocalo v2.0
For the record, the person known to us as Argone, Mr George Kunich is not dead.
He is very much alive and also very much a world class asshole.
He faked his own death.
Most of his personal history is fabrication.
I wont bore you with the details, but he's led a few of us on some wild and wacky goose chases, played with our hopes and dreams with his self delusory aggrandisement. He told some little white lies, along with some monolithic, dirty great, pus laden, filthy black ones to me and others on this board.
The final confirmation of his falsehood arrived in my inbox today.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I greatly appreciate your interest in upholding the honor of the US Navy SEAL Teams, and your search for the TRUTH. Before answering your questions I must make clear that I am a private individual, not affiliated with the US Dept. of Defense or any other government organization. Additionally, although I worked for/with the AuthentiSEAL verification organization for several years as an Investigator (and later as a Special Investigator dealing with the media), I ceased to work for that organization in any capacity in late 2004.
If the name you provided is spelled correctly, I do NOT find a listing in the SEAL database for anyone named GEORGE KUNICH. Be aware that I have also examined possible alternate spellings, and names with similar pronunciations.
Unless he has undertaken the unlikely action of a legal name change (an action for which there would be court documentation) since his claimed service with the SEAL Teams, and based upon the information you have provided, I can state conclusively that GEORGE KUNICH has NEVER completed SEAL training, and he is not now, nor was he ever a US Navy SEAL or UDT “Frogman”. Please be aware that the SEAL database includes the names of all men who served with the Underwater Demolition Teams (“Frogmen”). Since 1983 when the UDTs were all re-commissioned as SEAL Teams it has been the convention within the Naval Special Warfare community to use the modern term “SEAL” when referring to all men who ever served in any of the SEAL ‘precursor’ units.
The only men who can legitimately call themselves SEALs are US Navy sailors who have completed the entire SEAL training program which lasts approximately 2 years and who have received a formal/official designation as “Combatant Swimmer [SEAL]” with an attendant entry in their military records of a specific Naval Enlisted Classification Code (NEC). There are no SEALs in any other branch of the US military armed forces. While many units of different branches of the military services are called upon from time to time to work “WITH” the SEAL Teams, it is incredibly rare for any non-SEAL to ever be engaged in an operation as a part of a deployed SEAL unit. These rare exceptions generally involve members of highly trained Special Operations Forces from those other branches of service or ‘other government agencies’ involved in gathering/evaluating intelligence information. Non-SEAL Navy units and other branches of the US military services do occasionally send men to the SEAL Teams for brief training sessions. Those training sessions do NOT confer the qualifications for being a SEAL on any of those ‘students’. Such training is most generally intended to facilitate a familiarity with the way SEAL Teams operate, and are intended to make cooperation between different units easier and more effective when they are in the same area of operations.
It is quite common for those making fraudulent SEAL claims to cite a “secret” training class, “special selection and skills which allowed them to bypass BUD/S training”, or “secret missions” as an explanation for the lack of military documentation to back up their stories. SEAL imposters also tend to claim their military records are “sealed” and cannot be accessed. Occasionally inventive imposters claim their records were destroyed in a fire at the National Personnel Records Center. While that facility did experience a fire, no Navy records were involved, damaged, or destroyed. I would caution you that despite anything the man might have told you, there are NO secret SEALs. Before any classified operations may be undertaken, a man must first successfully complete the totally unclassified BUD/S Training program; the names of all those who successfully graduate from that training program are compiled in the SEAL database. Later participation in classified operations has no impact on whether or not a person is listed as a graduate of the training program. No one gets to the SEAL Teams without completing BUD/S training; there are NO EXCEPTIONS! The graduates of that training program are listed in the SEAL database – an unclassified document which is nonetheless considered “highly sensitive” and therefore not available for general public circulation. There are records of every man who has qualified for the title of “SEAL”; there have been and will continue to be secret missions, but there are NO secret SEALs… we know them all.
Mr. KUNICH’s false SEAL claims came to the attention of members of the Naval Special Warfare community when the news paper article first appeared in July 2006, and several former SEALs contacted the reporter who authored the article. Follow up investigations were undertaken, though no additional information has reached me personally regarding the outcome. I recall that Mr. KUNICH claimed duty with “UN Peace Keepers in the Middle East”, and that there was great suspicion attached to the circumstances under which he obtained a Purple Heart – apparently he told a politician (Congressman [Rep.] Jack Quinn) that he’d been wounded but had never received the award, and the politician was instrumental in giving Mr. KUNICH the award long after the claimed incident (which never actually occurred). Congressman. QUINN has reported been succeeded by Congressman HIGGINS who provided this overview information to the reporter responsible for the original article (and for digging into the details after-the-fact).
Thank you again for your concern in this matter, and for your assistance in upholding the honor of the US Navy SEAL Teams. As noted in my opening paragraph, I am a private individual and am in no way affiliated with the US Department of Defense or the US government. The responsibility for reporting the individual named in your inquiry to the federal authorities rests with you and with anyone else who may have personally heard or received these claims from the individual himself.
Very respectfully,
Steve Robinson
USN 1970-1978
Inshore Undersea Warfare Group ONE
UDT-SEAL Association
Special Operations Association
POW Network Advisory Board
Naval Special Warfare Archives - SOF Analyst/Contributing Journalist
Disabled American Veterans - Life Member
FORMER Special Investigator - SEAL Authentication Team
Author of the book NO GUTS, NO GLORY - Unmasking Navy SEAL Imposters
He is very much alive and also very much a world class asshole.
He faked his own death.
Most of his personal history is fabrication.
I wont bore you with the details, but he's led a few of us on some wild and wacky goose chases, played with our hopes and dreams with his self delusory aggrandisement. He told some little white lies, along with some monolithic, dirty great, pus laden, filthy black ones to me and others on this board.
The final confirmation of his falsehood arrived in my inbox today.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I greatly appreciate your interest in upholding the honor of the US Navy SEAL Teams, and your search for the TRUTH. Before answering your questions I must make clear that I am a private individual, not affiliated with the US Dept. of Defense or any other government organization. Additionally, although I worked for/with the AuthentiSEAL verification organization for several years as an Investigator (and later as a Special Investigator dealing with the media), I ceased to work for that organization in any capacity in late 2004.
If the name you provided is spelled correctly, I do NOT find a listing in the SEAL database for anyone named GEORGE KUNICH. Be aware that I have also examined possible alternate spellings, and names with similar pronunciations.
Unless he has undertaken the unlikely action of a legal name change (an action for which there would be court documentation) since his claimed service with the SEAL Teams, and based upon the information you have provided, I can state conclusively that GEORGE KUNICH has NEVER completed SEAL training, and he is not now, nor was he ever a US Navy SEAL or UDT “Frogman”. Please be aware that the SEAL database includes the names of all men who served with the Underwater Demolition Teams (“Frogmen”). Since 1983 when the UDTs were all re-commissioned as SEAL Teams it has been the convention within the Naval Special Warfare community to use the modern term “SEAL” when referring to all men who ever served in any of the SEAL ‘precursor’ units.
The only men who can legitimately call themselves SEALs are US Navy sailors who have completed the entire SEAL training program which lasts approximately 2 years and who have received a formal/official designation as “Combatant Swimmer [SEAL]” with an attendant entry in their military records of a specific Naval Enlisted Classification Code (NEC). There are no SEALs in any other branch of the US military armed forces. While many units of different branches of the military services are called upon from time to time to work “WITH” the SEAL Teams, it is incredibly rare for any non-SEAL to ever be engaged in an operation as a part of a deployed SEAL unit. These rare exceptions generally involve members of highly trained Special Operations Forces from those other branches of service or ‘other government agencies’ involved in gathering/evaluating intelligence information. Non-SEAL Navy units and other branches of the US military services do occasionally send men to the SEAL Teams for brief training sessions. Those training sessions do NOT confer the qualifications for being a SEAL on any of those ‘students’. Such training is most generally intended to facilitate a familiarity with the way SEAL Teams operate, and are intended to make cooperation between different units easier and more effective when they are in the same area of operations.
It is quite common for those making fraudulent SEAL claims to cite a “secret” training class, “special selection and skills which allowed them to bypass BUD/S training”, or “secret missions” as an explanation for the lack of military documentation to back up their stories. SEAL imposters also tend to claim their military records are “sealed” and cannot be accessed. Occasionally inventive imposters claim their records were destroyed in a fire at the National Personnel Records Center. While that facility did experience a fire, no Navy records were involved, damaged, or destroyed. I would caution you that despite anything the man might have told you, there are NO secret SEALs. Before any classified operations may be undertaken, a man must first successfully complete the totally unclassified BUD/S Training program; the names of all those who successfully graduate from that training program are compiled in the SEAL database. Later participation in classified operations has no impact on whether or not a person is listed as a graduate of the training program. No one gets to the SEAL Teams without completing BUD/S training; there are NO EXCEPTIONS! The graduates of that training program are listed in the SEAL database – an unclassified document which is nonetheless considered “highly sensitive” and therefore not available for general public circulation. There are records of every man who has qualified for the title of “SEAL”; there have been and will continue to be secret missions, but there are NO secret SEALs… we know them all.
Mr. KUNICH’s false SEAL claims came to the attention of members of the Naval Special Warfare community when the news paper article first appeared in July 2006, and several former SEALs contacted the reporter who authored the article. Follow up investigations were undertaken, though no additional information has reached me personally regarding the outcome. I recall that Mr. KUNICH claimed duty with “UN Peace Keepers in the Middle East”, and that there was great suspicion attached to the circumstances under which he obtained a Purple Heart – apparently he told a politician (Congressman [Rep.] Jack Quinn) that he’d been wounded but had never received the award, and the politician was instrumental in giving Mr. KUNICH the award long after the claimed incident (which never actually occurred). Congressman. QUINN has reported been succeeded by Congressman HIGGINS who provided this overview information to the reporter responsible for the original article (and for digging into the details after-the-fact).
Thank you again for your concern in this matter, and for your assistance in upholding the honor of the US Navy SEAL Teams. As noted in my opening paragraph, I am a private individual and am in no way affiliated with the US Department of Defense or the US government. The responsibility for reporting the individual named in your inquiry to the federal authorities rests with you and with anyone else who may have personally heard or received these claims from the individual himself.
Very respectfully,
Steve Robinson
USN 1970-1978
Inshore Undersea Warfare Group ONE
UDT-SEAL Association
Special Operations Association
POW Network Advisory Board
Naval Special Warfare Archives - SOF Analyst/Contributing Journalist
Disabled American Veterans - Life Member
FORMER Special Investigator - SEAL Authentication Team
Author of the book NO GUTS, NO GLORY - Unmasking Navy SEAL Imposters
I can't recall the particulars of his passing though. Just the tribute image I made for him.
(well, he was a highly decorated Naval officer, found that through Google)