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metal profile whoring

in Zocalo v2.0
I have about 3 weeks to go before I take off from Australia to go to Indonesia on a mission to help save some tropical coral reef ecosystems.
I need more cash to cover my arse whilst I'm there.
I need help.
I have :
1) L347 art skillz, esp vectors.
2) a Roland plotter/vinyl cutter which can cut really fine detailed stickers and general sign materials
3) access to a plasma cutter which can cut light guage air-shippable metal profiles
4) a good quality large format printing service, upto 1500mm (6ft) wide and over 10metres long (30 ft)
I could :
1) Make you any concievable bumper sticker you can think of.
2) Do your wingarts in full colour vinyl, as large as you like.
3) Cut your wingarts or any concievable metal profile you like in your choice of ferrous or non ferrous metals, aluminium being the cheapest to ship, easiest to work with your end.
4) Make metal profiles which you could easily turn into metallic origami models very easily
5) create you artwork and endproducts as profiles to your specs.
If you guys have any ideas and some spare dough for cool stuff, let me know.
cheers !
I need more cash to cover my arse whilst I'm there.
I need help.
I have :
1) L347 art skillz, esp vectors.
2) a Roland plotter/vinyl cutter which can cut really fine detailed stickers and general sign materials
3) access to a plasma cutter which can cut light guage air-shippable metal profiles
4) a good quality large format printing service, upto 1500mm (6ft) wide and over 10metres long (30 ft)
I could :
1) Make you any concievable bumper sticker you can think of.
2) Do your wingarts in full colour vinyl, as large as you like.
3) Cut your wingarts or any concievable metal profile you like in your choice of ferrous or non ferrous metals, aluminium being the cheapest to ship, easiest to work with your end.
4) Make metal profiles which you could easily turn into metallic origami models very easily
5) create you artwork and endproducts as profiles to your specs.
If you guys have any ideas and some spare dough for cool stuff, let me know.
cheers !
Is that something you might be interested in eventually?
wingart - Im happy to take it in the a$$ price wise because I like doing them, a flat $40 USD is fine. For four/five hours work, that's cheap...
as far as reproductions of that artwork outside of just the digital file, its dependent on what you want, in vinyls - 400mmx400mm or so - $100 or so and trust me, when it's often 12 colours plus, thats extortionately cheap, metal profiles would be about $200 or so, depending on exactly how I translate them to metals but they would look absolutely stunning.
other processes attract other prices, just ask.
storyboards ? perhaps, but at the moment, its the next 3 weeks I'm interested in earning in for the trip to Indonesia.
Yes, that's the specific one I want, and it's probably the simplest, too. One day, maybe...
the links I posted have plenty of examples of my work
/me blushes
Guys, hes done some real quality work, if youve got the money dont hesitate to buy.
But I'll let ya know.
JOTS - oh well... I need the work/money before Dec 1st... :)
What would a jewerly piece like that run?
lemme know what you think :)