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Reminder Today is the last day for Artifacts from beyond the rim

in Zocalo v2.0
Just got mine. Dunno why but had a few extra bucks and had to get it.
Just got mine. Dunno why but had a few extra bucks and had to get it.
And I noticed how insane Cafepress' express delivery is. £40!
That's more than the book!
Suffice to say, I went with the cheap option.
I, for one, can't believe I just paid $45 for a book.
And I agree with Biggles' suggestion. An e-book format would make the content available for everyone and it would be different from having a physical copy so the idea of having a unique collectors item is kept.
And I also agree with the ebook idea
The drawings are supposed to be on guess is that they're rather quickly burning through people who balk at paying $650.
They only deliver once every thousand years.
So did you in the end buy them?
I also won a lottery drawing, when these books started coming out I couldn't afford them, now I could.
Mind you, it was expensive, but in the end I think it was worth it.
I was more interested in the introductions and episode comments by JMS than in reading actual scripts, but I did read a few scripts and found them interesting too.
I did also order Artifacts from Beyond the Rim on the last day, after having bought the whole scripts+movies books not buying it would have been silly.
Now I am eagerly awaiting the release of more of the Crusade books.
A lot of money but I'm already making excuses. One benefit of being single (again) is one can buy such things an not have to explain why. I submitted for the 1st lottery and won but the timing was bad (splitting with gf, mortgage renewal, solicitor fees... not good!). But this time... annoyed I've missed Artifacts from Beyond the Rim though.