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Car Accident... :(

in Zocalo v2.0
Just had myself a bit of a nasty, Heading north on I95 in Maine, when what should appear out of nowhere in the middle of my lane? a fucking huge truck tire. which we hit at around 70MPH, went up on two wheels (the drivers side wheels) luckily i was able to keep the car under control, the guy behind me said he couldn't believe we didn't flip over (he was also the ONLY person to stop to make sure we were ok) , Somehow i managed to not hit the guardrail which is a good thing because if we had hit it on 2 wheel's i'm prettu sure we'd have gone over it into oncoming traffic (it's one of those little 2 foot tall guardrails)
Everyone's ok, One of my passengers was taken to the hospital with a bump to the head, my daughter's also got a bit of a bump on the head, i've got a nice seatbelt bruise, but other than that we're all ok. other than pretty shaken up.
Everyone's ok, One of my passengers was taken to the hospital with a bump to the head, my daughter's also got a bit of a bump on the head, i've got a nice seatbelt bruise, but other than that we're all ok. other than pretty shaken up.
Everyone walked away, so that's good.
I do need to call Subaru tomorrow and ask why none of the Airbags deployed.
Looking at the damage to the front end, and the fact that the car was up on 2 wheels then slammed back down, i'd have expected the side curtain airbags to deploy at the very least.
Then have to call the collision center and get an estimate on repairs, oh and have to try and get the rental car company to bring me a car since we're 200 miles from home, Should prolly go see a doctor and get checked out too.
Glad everyone is okay though.
I do need to call Subaru tomorrow and ask why none of the Airbags deployed.
Looking at the damage to the front end, and the fact that the car was up on 2 wheels then slammed back down, i'd have expected the side curtain airbags to deploy at the very least.
I believe what triggers the airbags is a mechanical force directed to sensor... Could be that not any of the sensors were hit at the impact. Worth asking though.
Biggles, thanks, I'd like to think so, but it was all instinct and reaction.
quite sore today, Going to contact the rental car company now, then once we get the car try and find this repair shop so I can get all our luggage out and go home...
Good luck on the repairs and insurance and all that; we just went through that a couple months ago, and that was just about as much fun as getting hit in the first place!
I think it's might be the difference between crush force and yank force... :p
Basically direction of force...
as for the airbags, we hit a stationary object at 65+ mph head on. Then had the car go up on two wheels (the left two) and slam back into the ground... I'd expect that to have deployed the bags. but who knows. I may call Subaru and ask them... Either way the car is not happy, nor am I.
And I think JackN needs to yank you around a bit :)
As far as why the airbags didn't deploy, it's probably related to overall impact force combined with how the car was thrown. From the pictures, it looks like the rogue tire was either perpendicular to your car or at a point in its motion where it was easily flattened against the ground. Your car hit it, the wheel's inertia and grip picked up your front end and lifted it. As far as the computers were concerned in this situation, you'd be accelerating up, not a direction that airbag deployment would matter. hitting the post was probably with just enough force to not warrant triggering the curtain bags.
Just my hypothesis. Let me know how far off I am from the course of events :p
Sanfam, I have no doubt that you are correct, I was just a little suprised with all the stories i hear from people saying how they were just tapped and their airbags deployed.
The curtain airbag may have prevented the wife's cousin from banging her head on the wall and having to go to the hospital, But since she's fine anyway it doesn't really matter.
What amazes me is that when we hit it, aparently we launched the tire as well, as it ended up off the right hand side of the road right near where we came to rest, but that the tire didn't hit anyone else.
Could definitely have been a lot worse.
From what you described, I'd be surprised if they don't total the car. Glad you made it out OK man, I see those tires on the road a lot, and can easily believe them the cause of many and accident.
[QUOTE=Entil'Zha;191910]What amazes me is that when we hit it, aparently we launched the tire as well, as it ended up off the right hand side of the road right near where we came to rest, but that the tire didn't hit anyone else.
Could definitely have been a lot worse.[/QUOTE]
Given the forces involved, I'm not surprised it went flying. It's very fortunate that it didn't strike anyone else on its way, though.
I'm just glad that when we launched the tire, it didn't go into oncoming traffic as it could have easily killed someone.
The one silver lining (other than us all being ok) is that nobody else was involved or hurt, I don't think i would have handled it well if we had caused serious injury or death to someone else, even if it was not actually my fault.
we got lucky...
Beginning of day 3 on the car. and still no estimate...
I can believe that. A few years ago, a wheel came off a truck on the motorway in Auckland at 100km/h. It bounced across into oncoming traffic and into the front of a bus. The passenger in front was killed by the impact.
On truck tires coming loose, I've once seen a bus losing one of it's tire.
any Debris at 65+ can be deadly thats for sure.
I see bits of truck tire everywhere, but this is my first time seeing a whole one in the middle of my lane, lol, and hopefully the last.