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a rebirth (Ive lost count of how many we've had over the years)

in Babylon 5
I think its high time someone did a radioplay in the B5 Universe. Given the distinct lack of backers/takers, I'm stepping up to the plate m'self. I'm hoping there are a few people still alive in here somewhere who might want to join me in this enterprise, perhaps even a few willing to help me. It wont be a small task, but it should be rewarding. Who knows, perhaps we can get the original cast to voice it, the voice being one thing that barely notices the passage of time, nor do audio recordings require attendance to any particular location. My question is however, which material would work best ? Should I dig up some awsome old stuff and if so, which stuff ? suggestions welcome
Here’s a link to the MP3’s of the episodes. Basing themselves on FB probably doesn’t help when it comes to others finding out about them.