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Fans of Lost

Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
Lost lost me (no pun intended) during the second season and I haven't gotten back into it. Though what seems like hundreds of people have said it got way better during the third and fourth seasons - I just don't buy it.

anyway for fans of the show I found this [URL=",29865,1806937,00.html"]funny parody[/URL] of the show on the intertubes and thought I'd share it!


  • MundaneMundane Elite Ranger
    it is still lost, especially with all this stupid future stuff.
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    I kouldnt love that more than I do!!! Weee...

    Anyway. I lost lost somewwhere in the 3rd season Spoiler: when they got home.., and kant seem to get back up.. meh..

    Spoiler: Unprokessed hero
  • ChaosedChaosed Ranger
    Thanks, I forgot it is on tonight.
  • DarthCaligulaDarthCaligula Elite Ranger
    Is there some guy named Sayid that breaks people's necks with his feet? I post to a Legacy of Kain board and there's some guy named Sayid there who talks about that in EVERY SINLGE ONE OF HIS POSTS.
  • ChaosedChaosed Ranger
    I don't recall that happening. I don't have a good memory though.
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    I lost Lost about 6 episodes into season 2 I'm afraid
  • Lord RefaLord Refa Creepy, but in a good way
    [QUOTE=DarthCaligula;172984]Is there some guy named Sayid that breaks people's necks with his feet? I post to a Legacy of Kain board and there's some guy named Sayid there who talks about that in EVERY SINLGE ONE OF HIS POSTS.[/QUOTE]
    No... I dont think so. Not with his feet.

    I can kill people with my penis btw. It shoots lazer beems... :angryv:
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Aw, I kan only strangle people with mine. :(
  • ChaosedChaosed Ranger
    Lost is on line if ya want to catch up.
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    I've Lost enough of my life watching it :p
  • StingrayStingray Elite Ranger
    [QUOTE=ShadowDancer;173047]I've Lost enough of my life watching it :p[/QUOTE]

    That is so true, I hardly watch any shows anymore. I guess we are all getting older and this is part of growing up. :D
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    I cant actually remember the last time I sat and watched something on the tv that wasnt a news show or something I was forced to sit through with my folks.
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    Most of the tv I watch is repeats. I tend to watch lots of SG1/Atlantis, Simpsons/Futurama, Malcolm in the Middle all on Sky. The only new shows I watch are Lost and BSG on Sky (sunday and tuesday night). Other than that its the odd Grand Designs and the news every so often.

    As for Lost, season 3 really annoyed me to the point that I watched the first 4 and gave up. However I eventually caved and watched the rest of it (mainly because a friend at work kept telling me 'its getting better, honest!'). So far I have liked season 4. In particular the flash forwards I find interesting as it makes you think harder trying to fit the pieces together. I still have no idea what the hell if going on though :D
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