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Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
[This message has been edited by Rogue Trader (edited 11-19-2002).]


  • Ranger BrianRanger Brian The Anti-Scrooge
    Oh dear.

    Only the insane have strength enough to prosper,
    Only those that prosper truly judge what is sane.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    So it's out at last, is it? [img][/img]

    [url=""]Never eat anything bigger than your own head.[/url]
    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    hehe, yeah its out. I got a good laugh at the cover, then promptly put it back on the shelf. [img][/img]

    Next movie on my list is Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. That movie kicks ASS! [img][/img]

    [b][url=""]SAVE FARSCAPE![/url][/b]
    "Isn't the universe an amazing place? I wouldn't live anywhere else! Love to stay! Can't, have to go! Kiss! Kiss! Love! Love! Bye! *kiss*" - G'Kar
  • RhettRhett (Not even a monkey)
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    That man will do anything to make himself feel important!

    [b]4 Thousand Throats can be cut in one night by a running Warrior[/b]
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    he is a god.
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    [quote]Originally posted by Rogue Trader:

    [This message has been edited by Rogue Trader (edited 11-19-2002).][/b][/quote]

    His Career.. Its Dead jim.
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    does it help that he did this for charity?
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Yeah. Stop criticizing him for having fun and helping out.

    Talk is silver, but violence is gold.
  • RhettRhett (Not even a monkey)
    [quote]Originally posted by Rogue Trader:
    [b]does it help that he did this for charity?[/b][/quote]

    Well in that case, congrats to him.
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    I apologise, I thought it was another money making scheme of his! [img][/img]

    [b]4 Thousand Throats can be cut in one night by a running Warrior[/b]
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    wait a sec, just cause he is doing it for charity doesnt mean we cant still make fun of him [img][/img]
  • LOL
    WTF is that???

    Where did you find it?
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    thats not made up that is an honest to god dvd that will be released in december.
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    Still a scary thought though! [img][/img]

    His fat butt running? I doubt it!

    [b]4 Thousand Throats can be cut in one night by a running Warrior[/b]
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