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Hot Metal · Ranger


Hot Metal
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  • Tuli sitten tännekkin eksyttyä taas piiiiitkästä aikaa. Satunnaista lurkkausta harrastellen mennään. ;)
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Stingray [/i] [B]Oh my, and he thinks that Opera users are deluding themselves into thinking that they are using the best browsers there is... all 0.59 percent of you. :D Browser Total Market Share (July 2006, [url…
  • I use Opera, and that description fits me perfectly. Spooky. :eek:
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tyvar [/i] [B]The events at Abu Grab aside, the vast bulk of the prisoners in US military custody HAVENT been tortured, especially those at Guantanamo Bay, and what people conviently forget is the Red Cross AND Red Cr…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Entil'Zha [/i] [B]Let me reply to your question with a question.. if the situation was reversed, and it was the US captives being detained by the other side, do you think they would be treated well, or just be…
  • I have always been here... :angryv:
  • Ignoring the legal and political mumbojumbo totally I have only one question(personal opinion if you will). Do you think it is right that the USA is holding people for years without trial, not disclosing their names for a long time and subjecting…
  • Re: Re: Re: hehehe [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Eclecticonaut [/i] [B]Hot Metal, what PC case do you have, if A64 3000+@2,6GHz with stock cooler doesn't get hotter than 40 degrees Celsius? [/B][/QUOTE] Oookay....identify thyself. :angryv…
    in hehehe Comment by Hot Metal April 2006
  • Re: hehehe [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jokkari [/i] [B]funny my user name still works :D It's been like ages when i last time posted here or read the place. It's very very nice to see you oldies still keeping this place up so many memories :)…
    in hehehe Comment by Hot Metal April 2006
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Data Crystal [/i] [B] But I did get to serve with Hot Metal as my peer on the same exact job and with Spessu serving under both of us. :) [/B][/QUOTE] Indeed. :vorlon: Still lurking around btw. :rolleyes:
  • Blörps :-P
  • Örgggh! [img][/img]
  • There is only spoo!
    in jaa Comment by Hot Metal November 2000
  • CS, Tribes, FS2, Rainbow6 ja Roque Spear käyvät.
  • Jos tulee cs-taisto, niin minä tulen ehdottomasti mukaan! Pitää pistää teidät tuntemaan UFU:n mahti!
  • Jaa mikä kysymys? [img][/img] Eihän se vaikuttanut......eiii...ei lainkaan! [img][/img] Ja te muut ette todellakaan halua tietää. [img]http://www.firstones.c…
  • X-Omega vietäköön ulos ja ammuttakoon! [img][/img]
  • Ja minä jatkoin lukio-opintojani täällä Hyvinkään yhteiskoulun lukiossa....kolmas vuosikurssi...kyllä abiturienttina on mukavaa! [img][/img]
  • Täällä Hyvinkäällä on LIIAN KUUMA!!!!!!! [img][/img]
  • MINÄ! Ellei maailma räjähdä tai jotain... [img][/img] ------------------ -Sir, the Plingons are answering. -Good, put it on tv. beep... -Damn how ugly they look! -Captain, I would recommend a mor…
  • Sanoisin että huomattavat määrät..... [img][/img] ------------------ -Sir, the Plingons are answering. -Good, put it on tv. beep... -Damn how ugly they look! -Captain, I would recommend a more dip…
  • 1. Counterstrike 2. Starsiege: Tribes 3. Roque Spear 4. Freespace 2 ------------------ -Sir, the Plingons are answering. -Good, put it on tv. beep... -Damn how ugly they look! -Captain, I would recommend a more diplomatic tone.
  • Meiän lukiossa on paljon B5-faneja ja sit pari täyttä friikkiä jotka on nauhottanu joka ikisen jakson ja järjestää aina joskus lomilla B5-sessioita joissa katotaan parhaimmillaan 3-4 päivää putkeen B5:sta....ja välillä ei sitten nukuta... [img]htt…
  • Noh, nyt voi vihdoinki kirjottaa vapaasti suomex ilman et joku tulee siitä valittamaan.... mahtavaa! [img][/img] Hmm....pitänee kohta tehdä varmaan Suomalaisten vetoomus 3.....vois taas vähän herätellä m…
    in ASIAA Comment by Hot Metal March 2000
  • I like it! ------------------ -Sir, the Plingons are answering. -Good, put it on tv. beep... -Damn how ugly they look! -Captain, I would recommend a more diplomatic tone.
  • Sure, why not?
  • It´s from an animation and the blur is rendered, not something done with a lousy aftereffects-program! The reason for so much blur is that the camera is turning to keep the whitestars in view. You cant just pick "hey that ship has blur and that doe…
  • Mistakes....mistakes! What on earth have you done with the Whitestars beams? They leave from completly wrong place and are the wrong color! (They should be more yellow.) And the lightning looks weird, since there is a sun in the backround, but …
  • I think that it really has been done with blender....or that´s one really crappy LW-picture! [img][/img] (just´s looking good) ------------------ -Sir, the Plingons are answering. …
  • I think we said that the beams should be more yellow...NOT ENTIRELY YELLOW! Now those beams look even more weird! [img][/img] Make them something between green and yellow. The shadow-beams look bette…